Immanuel Lutheran Church, Negaunee Michigan
God with us, Renewing Lives in Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit
Northern Great Lakes Synod
Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp
Vacation Bible School
Lutheran Campus Ministry
Synod's Pray Faithfully
Daily Texts
Vibrant Faith at Home
Faith5 Family Conversations
Enter the Bible
Bible Gateway
Revised Common Lectionary
Book of Concord
Transformation Prayer Ministry
Helpful Links

Love INC CUP (In the Name of Christ, Central Upper Peninsula) is the church of Christ working across Marquette County to care for neighbors in need

Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp is our Bible camp with year-round weeks of camp and retreat for all ages


Vacation Bible School is coming July 2017!

Lutheran Campus Ministry of Northern Michigan University connects NMU students as the church


Want to encourage faith in the home?  Check out online daily devotional resources like our Synod's (NGLS) Praying Faithfully, the Daily TextsVibrant Faith at Home and FAITH5



Study God's Word with Enter the Bible (Luther Seminary's comprehensive Bible resource), BibleGateway (an online Bible), or readings from the Revised Common Lectionary (a 3-year cycle of readings used in our corporate worship).

The Book of Concord contains the Lutheran confessional writings created during the Reformation, including the Augsburg Confession and Martin Luther's Large Catechism and Small Catechism.

Transformation Prayer Ministry (formerly Theophostic Prayer Ministry) serves as a powerful prayer tool that seeks the peace of Jesus Christ amidst the lies of shame and other baggage embedded in our memories.